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42nd Meeting - Montreal, March-April 2004

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42nd Meeting - Montreal, March-April 2004 > Decisions > 42/15  

Decisions: 42/15



Decision title

Project cancellations and project implementation delays 

Decision details

the Executive Committee decided:
(a) To note with appreciation the reports submitted to the Secretariat on projects with implementation delays provided by Belgium, Canada, Germany and the four implementing agencies, as contained in the document on project implementation delays (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15);
(b) To request the Government of France to provide reports on the projects classified with implementation delays as a matter of urgency;
(c) To note that the Secretariat and the implementing agencies would take established actions according to the Secretariat’s assessment of status, i.e., progress, some progress, or no progress, and report and notify governments and implementing agencies as required;
(d) To adopt the milestones and deadlines indicated in the following table:
(e) To note the completion of the following projects reported during the Meeting, in addition to the 20 projects reported in the document on implementation delays presented by the Secretariat:
(i) Preparation of an inventory and assessment of environmentally-sound and economically-viable technologies and know-how conducive to phase-out of ODS (GLO/SEV/19/TAS/106), implemented by UNEP;
(ii) Phase-out of the remaining ODS consumption in the foam sector (11 enterprises) (EGY/FOA/22/INV/64), implemented by UNDP;
(f) Also to note that the project for training modules on management of ODS phase out in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (GLO/SEV/19/TAS/112), implemented by UNEP, would be completed by 1 April 2005;

(g) Further to note that the milestones had been met and therefore progress had been made on the following projects:

(i) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Refrigeration Components and Accessories (IND/REF/22/INV/110), implemented by the World Bank;
(ii) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Hindustan Refrigeration Industries (IND/REF/22/INV/123), implemented by the World Bank;
(iii) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Refrigerators and Home Appliances P. Ltd. (IND/REF/22/INV/124), implemented by the World Bank;
(h) To note the automatic cancellation of the following projects:

(i) The Chandra refrigeration project in India (IND/REF/19/INV/92), where US $66,787 had been disbursed of the US $130,984 approved for the project and 4.8 ODP tonnes had been assigned as phase-out pursuant to Decision 39/13(b);
(ii) The conversion from CFC-11 to HCFC-141b technology in the manufacture of rigid polyurethane foam at Quimica Andina (BOL/FOA/28/INV/10) with no phase-out; and
(i) With regard to the Moroccan LCD projects:
(i) To note with appreciation the efforts made by UNDP, the Secretariat, the Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Telecommunications (MICT) and all other stakeholders in trying to reach an agreement;
(ii) To take note of the report of UNDP against the background of the information provided in paragraphs 12 (bis) to 12 (quin) of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15/Add.1;
(iii) That the proposed agreement mentioned in paragraph 12 (qua) of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15/Add.1 could be considered on an exceptional basis as a suitable way of continuing the implementation of the projects, on condition that each company signed the agreement by 15 April 2004;
(iv) To request the Chief Officer to send a letter to the Government of Morocco notifying it of the need to implement the projects;
(v) That, in the event the agreement remained unsigned by any or all of the companies by 15 April 2004, the projects would automatically be cancelled;
(vi) To request UNDP to submit a status report with the necessary explanations to the Executive Committee at its 43rd Meeting.

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Created at 5/14/2004 11:41 AM  by Julia Dearing 
Last modified at 1/18/2007 4:06 PM  by Julia Dearing