Pioneering environmental change:
the Multilateral Fund’s impact

Over the past three decades, the Multilateral Fund (MLF) has clearly demonstrated how international cooperation, innovative financial mechanisms, and a well-planned strategic approach can deliver far-ranging benefits. Through its global initiatives, MLF phased out ozone depleting substances, mitigated climate change, contributed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and funded projects with positive impact on people’s lives. 

Tuareg man in the desert stalking at dark clouds waiting for the rain.

Phasing out ozone-depleting substances

The Fund has been instrumental in the complete phase-out of CFCs, CTC, halons, methyl bromide and methyl chloroform in Article 5 countries, with the elimination of HCFCs expected by 2030.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Under MLF’s guidance, Article 5 countries have phased out the consumption of more than 756,000 metric tonnes of baseline ODS, the equivalent of 2.2 billion tonnes in CO2 avoided from 1991-2021.

Asian little boy with lotus leaf under rain

Cumulative since 1991 until 2024

Funds pledged (US$)
Cumulative since 1991 until 2024


Funds approved (US$)
Cumulative since 1991 until 2024


Funds disbursed (US$)
Cumulative since 1991 until 2024


Funds approved to LVC countries (US$)
Cumulative since 1991 until 2024


Funds approved to non-LVC countries (US$)
Cumulative since 1991 until 2024


LVC - low volume consuming 

Ocean foam

Cost-efficiency in climate mitigation

At the rate of US$ 0.07 per tonne of CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq) removed from the atmosphere, MLF has contributed to the avoidance of billions of tonnes of CO2-eq emissions at a fraction of the cost compared to other sectors. Between 1995 and 2021, the total avoided emissions from Article 5 countries are estimated at 51.1 gigatonnes of CO2-eq, a US$ 2 trillion savings to society (based on a social price of carbon of US $40/CO2-eq tonne).


Funding projects with impact

A total of 10,070 projects till 2024 have been approved by MLF in 144 Article 5 countries, 87% of which have been completed. These projects include the establishment of national ozone units, training programs for technicians and customs officers, and the implementation of regulatory and legislative frameworks, among others. In addition to safeguarding the environment, such initiatives spark business innovation and job creation in developing countries.

Noctiluca Scintillans NightScape Photography
Glacier Rivers

Innovative finance mechanisms

As of 2024, US$ 4.2 billion in financing has been allocated to developing countries through innovative financial mechanisms, such as revolving funds and performance-based payments, incentivizing the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices. Every dollar, policy and procedure is meticulously reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee to ensure compliance with the Montreal Protocol.

Contributing to a cooler future

The Fund expands the legacy of the Montreal Protocol by contributing to the Kigali Amendment, an agreement to decrease the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) whose global warming potentials (GWPs) range from 53 to 14,800. Limiting use of HFCs will prevent the equivalent of approximately 105 billion tonnes in CO2 emissions, helping avert a global temperature rise of up to 0.5 degrees Celsius by 2100.

A little girl playing on the beach

$4 BN

in grant funding


approved projects


developing countries assisted

Advancing global goals:
the Multilateral Fund and the SDGs

From gender equality to climate action, good health and well-being to decent work and economic growth, MLF drives progress on multiple SDGs, moving the world closer to a more sustainable and equitable future. Year after year, MLF's impact resonates across the spectrum of SDGs, demonstrating its pivotal role in fostering a safer, healthier, and more sustainable planet for all.



Good health and well-being

By protecting the ozone layer, the MLF contributes to the prevention of up to two million cases of skin cancer and millions of cases of cataracts each year by up to 2030.



Decent work and economic growth

The MLF supports the transition to greener technologies in Article 5 countries and provides specialised training, helping create safer working environments, opening new markets for sustainable products, and creating jobs founded on innovative solutions to environmental challenges.